Picture of the Month



Grey Whale Calf Underwater

San Ignacio Lagoon

Baja California

 March 2007



This month I struggled to settle on a single favorite image - so instead I am highlighting a single, favorite location - Baja California.   It is where I cut my teeth as a naturalist and photographer more than two decades ago, and it remains a place I enjoy returning to again and again. 

Here are some images from a recent two-week trip. 



Elegant Terns, Isla Rasa, Sea of Cortes




Flying Fish feeding on krill swarm at night




Kayakers at sunset



Camera :  Nikon D2X  Digital

Life, Color, Drama, Reality .... No Digital Manipulation



Review a previous Picture of the Month:

Pelicans, 3/2007

Darien Gap, 2/2007

Grey Whale Calf, 1/2007

Galapagos Sea Lion, 12/2006

Rockhoppers, 11/2006

Hummingbird, 10/2006

Madagascar, 9/2006

Whales, 7/2006

Sea Lions, 5/2006

Tiger, 4/2006

Jaguar, 2/2006

South Georgia, 12/2005

New Generation, 11/2005

Childhood, 9/2005

Penguins, 8/2005

Sea Palms, 7/2005

Aster Flower, 6/2005

Siskiyou Mountains, 5/2005

Humpback Whales, 4/2005

Christo GATES , 3/2005

Eucalyptus Leaves, 2/2005

Alaskan Aurora, 1/2005

Nesting Turtle, 12/2004

Autumn Berries, 10/2004

Costa Rica, 3/2004

Aurora Borealis, 10/2003

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